A new show has come about due to a doctor telling her patient, which just so happens to be Doc Dalton, that it was time for him to go out and have some fun. To understand this, you need to understand Doc. He is a man who has suffered from depression for close to 40 years and has been hospitalized for this on several occasions. Also, during this time, he had hosted several cable shows, everything from a pro-wrestling talk show to an anti-drug show for children, and even a few radio shows along the way and even a podcast called, the coffee and prayer series. But depression has not only played a major role in his life, but it also led him to walk away from many of these projects.

So, life had been a bit crazy he thought until this past year when Dalton was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease called, Lambert Eaton Syndrome. It’s so rare that in the United States it is estimated that only 400 to 450 have this disease. It’s painful and it affects your ability to walk, balance, strength, eyesight, voice, and a lot more. Because of this and because of the depression his doctor suggested it was time for him to have some fun. She said to him, you have done crazy projects in the past, so do it one more time but this time do it for no other reason except to just have fun and have a few laughs, and Dalton agreed.
So, this unpredictable 68 year old contacted two of his friends who he has know for close to 40 years. Patrick Mirucki and Joe LePera are two individuals that Doc has worked with before. In fact, Doc worked with Pat on a few projects over the years and this all came about since Mirucki’s owned a TV studio and not only were countless projects done at that studio, but a friendship of almost 40 years was made. States Dalton, they were some of the greatest times in my life in my life took place at that studio. A lot of great memories.

As far as Joe LePera, not only are they friends, but they are even related or as Joe would put it, we are not the in-laws, but we are the outlaws. Doc and Joe were involved in a project that took place in a maximum-security prison, the same prison where the world-renowned show Scared Straight was shot.

So, because of these friendships and we must say proudly, because of our reckless thinking habits, the show, Unconditionally Dalton came to be. It’s a show where no awards will ever be won, why? Because we do not care about awards. It’s a show where almost anything goes or as far as a few old guys can take it. And when all is said and done, it’s a show just for fun and a few laughs and to show folks that anyone can do it and it doesn’t matter how old you are.
UD IS a short show meaning somewhere between 8 to 10 minutes in length. We try to give at least one positive message per show along with a lot of kooky type fillers in between. The show has a question-and-answer part and the close of every show we always end with a prayer, why? Because we are old, and we are on borrow time, and because we have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, so we hope the Lord hears our prayers and he doesn’t get to mad at us for the other things that we do and if that happened to take place, I guess that would be our great award.
But for right now our awards are for, foolishness, laughter, stupidity, forgetfulness, and a bad rash here or there and anything else you would like to add to the pile.
If that isn’t good enough, we also have two cast members, Mike LePera who brings us, Life with Mickey and comedian Randi Lupo who brings us, Musings with Randi Lupo. So that is an added plus for us, states Dalton. In time we will start to except videos sent in from different people and a few other surprises if we can remember them. This being old stuff is crazy claims Doc. I always knew I would get old, just thought it would take a lot longer to get here.
So, for those who would like to learn more about the show or how to get involved, you can visit their website at, www.UnconditionallyDalton.com – The more craziness the better, states Dalton so send in those signs, messages, and video’s and maybe we can put you on the show. Our e mail is on our website.
So go to the website for up-dates and to catch all the silliness that is taking place because when all is said and done, it is important to remember that this show Unconditionally Dalton, it’s a senior citizen caravan of nonsense on its way to an assisted living center near you, real soon. Hey, want to join.